Channel: MyLittleDiva » Pre-schoolers
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How To Deal With A Naughty Kid


Dealing effectively with a naughty child aggravates many parents. Basically, the best way of handling this type of behavior remains strongly connected to the age of the youngster.

Never Discipline Babies

Very young infants sometimes “misbehave” in the opinion of adults, but really these little ones remain too young to understand concepts of right and wrong behavior in the adult sense of the word. They may cry repeatedly, for instance, and this activity often upsets caregivers. But babies wail in response to basic needs. If an infant cries, he or she may require a fresh diaper, or a bottle. The baby may require seek parental attention. Due to their age, babies should not be scolded or otherwise disciplined for their behavior. Cuddle them gently, but do not shake or strike them. If they annoy you, it is not intentional.

Another extremely important reason exists for giving babies a pass on behavior. Their brains have not developed fully. In fact, when infants first arrive in the world, their skull has not completely formed the connections between bones that offer a strong protection against bumps. Their brains may swell dangerously if they are shaken or thumped.

There is a good reason for the slogan: “NEVER, ever shake a baby!” In worst case scenarios, shaken babies can develop brain swelling and sometimes suffer permanent injuries, such as blindness.

Time Out For Ages Two to Twelve

Naughty toddlers and older children can be disciplined effectively without spanking or harsh words simply by placing them in time out. The child should be required to remain in a designated spot, such as a chair in the corner for older children or a blanket in a playpen for toddlers for a limited period of time. A good rule of thumb is no more than half a minute per year of age. This may not seem like much time to an adult, but it gets the message across: “misbehave and your will be sent to time out”. Always explain, in simple terms, why a time out is imposed.

The key to making time out work is to begin when the child is young and to enforce time out consistently. For example, don’t punish the youngster for poor behavior several times, then ignore the same behavior on the third, fourth or fifth occasion. Be consistent. It is not a wise idea to lose your temper as you enforce time out, either. Simply stand quietly nearby pretending to ignore the child during the time out period. If he or she attempts to leave, send the youngster back to start time out anew.

Lose Privilege Thirteen and Beyond

Naughty teens generally prove more difficult to discipline effectively than young children. However, if they intentionally misbehave and break parental rules, it can be effective to withdraw privileges when an offense occurs. This can involve requiring an early bedtime, enforcing an early curfew, restricting access to vehicles or computers or any other punitive loss of privileges the adult deems most effective.

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